A few friends of mine are intense cross-fit athletes. They undergo rigorous training schedules, restrictive diets, and an extremely disciplined schedule. Aside from their physical transformation, many seek to win at local and national competitions.
Speaking to one such brother, he recounted the number of hours he spends training and what it takes to compete at a high level. “You know, when you get to elite status, everyone is training at the same level. The difference between winning and losing could come down to seconds. I’ve lost competitions because of this. Everyone is leaving it all out on the floor. No one is holding back.”
As I pondered his statement, I realized we should all be training for something, whether it be physical, mental, spiritual, or all of the above. If we’re not, we’re withering or dying. Considering this, I wondered what it would look like to dedicate this much time to studying and reading God’s word.
What if we all trained our spiritual muscles to elite status?
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on 1 Timothy 4:6-10 for yourself.
What are you training for and if not, what should you be training for? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God to help you create a training program to strengthen your spiritual health first. Be specific.
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