Men and their families are under attack. Whether you know it or not, you’re in a spiritual war that manifests in the physical world. This spiritual war is against you, biblical manhood, and your family. The primary goal is to make you an ineffective man by having you chase false idols such as power, pleasure, praise, and possessions to find purpose and fulfillment.
Going further, society continues telling men they are disposable, unnecessary, and the root of society’s problems. Because of this, today, there is an ever-growing worldwide crisis among men, loss of identity and true purpose. We no longer know what it means to be a man. Instead, we’ve stood by the sidelines watching the game of life play out without us. We’ve passively allowed society to redefine manhood for us and drifted away from the truth.
For this reason, the world desperately needs men to be godly warriors to unite, protect, and uphold authentic manhood, and it’s good for all. For this reason, we need FX3 Warriors. FX3 Warriors are humble, wise, faithful, kind, courageous, self-disciplined, steadfast, good, gentle, and loving husbands, fathers, friends, and colleagues.
As part of the FX3 Challenge, The FX3 Warrior Way begins with a nine-month commitment to a brotherhood of men living on a mission to share Christ’s message of love, hope, and salvation with the world and help others do the same.
FX3 Small Groups are the lifeblood of the FX3 Warrior Way. Every man is highly encouraged to join a small group, or if none is available, start their own (potential leaders will be vetted). Every group is free to select the study that best fits their group’s needs. However, we will provide recommendations and multiple resources from third-party organizations and educational platforms. Regardless of the study selected, we require all resources to have a faith-based approach and foundation aligned with a Christ-centered theology.
Men can continue with the 12-week FX3 Challenge group or sign up to join a cohort to complete the FX3 Warrior program. Essentially, men commit to a discipleship program with another FX3 Challenge candidate and complete the FX3 Warrior study. The study focuses on twelve key aspects of a Christian man’s life and how his faith plays a roll in each one.
Below are the monthly topics the study covers:
Every FX3 Warrior must serve in a ministry or with a local community organization. This requirement helps members model what authentic manhood looks like for others. Servant leadership is an integral characteristic of an FX3 Warrior, starting with the Challenge.
Servant leadership is a leadership approach whereby we primarily emphasize the well-being of others rather than ourselves. This selfless act follows the teaching and life of what Christ did for us. Considering this, we also allow men to serve with FX3 Ministries as we partner with various local churches and community organization initiatives.
An FX3 Warrior is a brave soldier on a mission, following God’s commands and fighting for others. In addition, to live according to the three tenants, every FX3 Warrior adheres to live by the warrior creed. Based on the Apostle’s Creed, The FX3 Warrior creed is as follows:
We believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
On the third day, He rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the universal church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
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