“How about we go up to the air traffic control tower?” my friend, a US Airforce Colonel, asked my boys and me. Excitedly, we accepted and started making our way up the stairs. Before arriving at the tower, the Colonel had driven and walked us around this massive base showing us the many sides of a fighter pilot’s life on base.
According to the Colonel, this Air Reserve Base (ARB) is almost 2,000 acres in size. As we drove around the base, it was like a small city. In addition to the command center and special operation unit buildings, it has a post office, convenience store, gas station, gymnasium, and more.We didn’t grasp the immensity of this base from the ground level until we reached the top of the tower.
Once at the top, he introduced us to the tower operators and handed us a set of high-power binoculars. “From here, you can see land’s end and all incoming airplanes from miles around,” he said. He also pointed out key landmarks from miles out, giving us a better view of the bases’ layout. He also showed us the radar system and how it tracked all flights from miles around.
After enjoying the view, we descended the 300 ft tower to the ground level. What was most impressive about this experience was how our “bird’s eye” view gave us a bigger picture of everything happening around us at that altitude. All at once, we saw people working, cars driving around, people walking, a helicopter approaching, and so much more.
This experience is an excellent reminder of how we may sometimes not understand what God is doing in our life because we have a “ground level” view. However, God always has a “bird’s eye” view of your life. Knowing this, you can live peacefully, knowing he is sees all and is always in control.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
First pray for understanding and accepting God’s leading in your life .
Contemplate and meditate on this passage. How will you put your faith in God without seeing the “total” picture?
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