Historically every Christmas, I know of a family that celebrates the day with food, gift exchanges, and spending time together. The day unfolds with the grandparents hosting a breakfast or dinner and inviting their kids and grandkids to the festive event. The arrivals are usually staggered as most grandkids are now old enough to drive and have their commitments. Regardless, they all eventually pass through those doors. The expectation is reasonably straightforward. Upon arrival, the grandparents expect family members to spend time with them and each other, have some food, and receive their gifts.
This tradition is because the grandparents want to make the most of the time they have left. Now well off in age, the greatest gift for these grandparents is spending time with loved ones and watching their faces gleam with appreciation when handed a gift. They also love having the family over because they reminisce of a time when the house was “full” of voices, kids’ laughter, and memories made. For them, quality time is more precious than any other gift they can receive. As such, they open the doors to their home with gleeful expectations.
However, on many occasions, they have felt short-changed. It turns out that instead of spending quality time with them, many of their kids and grandkids speed through the visit on their way to other commitments. They arrive, have a few bites to eat, have casual conversations, and then take their gift. After leaving, the grandparents often find that the grandkids and sometimes children have left the torn envelopes and dedicated handwritten cards behind, taking only the gift card.
Sadly, they often feel it’s a day only about the gifts rather than spending time with the givers. They give not because they expect something in return but rather an expression of love and longing to spend intimate time with them.
Their story is a sad but loving reminder of what God and Jesus did for us. God gave his Son as the ultimate demonstration of his love for us. Our response should be that we dedicate our life to spending time with Him, not because we expect more in return, but rather as an outpouring of our love and appreciation for who He is and what he’s done.
Take today to spend time with Jesus and show Him how appreciative you are for His gift.Time with the Father is a great gift you can give the giver.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Sing to him, sing praises to him;
tell of all his wondrous works!
10 Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
11 Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his presence continually!
12 Remember the wondrous works that he has done,
his miracles and the judgments he uttered,
Pray for the desire and commitment to spending time with God .
Contemplate and meditate on this passage. In what ways can you spend quality time with God?
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How will you spend quality time with God. List some practical ways and steps to start today.