Football players spend years training, playing, and sacrificing for the opportunity to one day hoist the coveted Lombardi trophy. The Vince Lombardi Trophy is awarded to the NFL’s Superbowl champion each year for those unfamiliar with the trophy’s name. The Superbowl trophy is named after NFL coach Vince Lombardi for leading the Green Bay Packers to victory for the first two Super Bowl games.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 11, 1913, Vincent Thomas Lombardi was the oldest of five children and was greatly influenced by the Catholic Church. So much so that at 15, he enrolled at the Cathedral College of Immaculate Conception, intending to become a priest. However, he radically changed his mind two years later and enrolled in St. Francis Preparatory School after learning about their football program, which paved his way toward a football career.
Early in his career, Lombardi worked at various schools as an offensive coach. Eventually, he found his way to the big leagues when the New York Giants hired him as an offensive coordinator. He found great success during his five seasons with the Giants, which then caught the attention of the Green Bay Packers. The Packers eventually hired Lombardi as their head coach. Lombardi solidified his Hall of Fame status at Green Bay when he transformed the team and led them to a 98-30-4 record and five championships, including three straight titles.
Lombardi had many sayings throughout his career, but the one that stands out most for me is, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” This quote was a testament to his work ethic and the power of self-discipline to transform. Scripture reminds us that we must also “work out” our salvation. We’re to do our part when God does his.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Philippians 2:12-13
12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Pray and ask God to help strengthen your spiritual walk and resolve to practice the spiritual disciplines.
Meditate / Make It Real:
How do you practice and train daily using the spiritual disciplines of reading God’s word, praying, and meditating on what you learned?
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