Recently on the news there was story about a local initiative to protest against gun violence. The protest involves the running of atvs and dirt bikes through the city streets. The reality however, is the group was really masking their true intention behind a cause to consider.
These riders take pleasure in weaving in and out of traffic with total disregard for safety and respect for the law. They gather in groups of 50-100 riders and illegally ride out on non-street legal dirt bikes and atvs because they know law enforcement is hard pressed to stop them. They relish in the power of running rampant through the streets. However, law enforcement said they had enough and were taking measures to stop it.
When we run with the wrong crowd we may feel empowered and part of something greater. But in th end, this leads to destruction and harm to others as well as ourselves.
Read and meditate on Proverbs Proverbs 13:20. What does these verse tell you?
Who are you associating with? What do they stand for?
Meditate / Make It Real:
Who will you associate with to become a better person? How will you be a person of positive influence in someone else’s life?