A good friend of mine practices Jiu-Jitsu. He’s been training on and off for about twenty years. The other day we were discussing the amount of injuries he’s sustained over that time.
He told me he’d had dislocations, strains, pulls, and some things have broken a few times. Regardless, he continues to train and practice whenever he can. He continues to train because, over time, he’s learned to accept his limits and how far he can go.
Then he said, “You know Carlos when I was younger, I just ran in there and bulldozed my way through stuff. I felt I had something to prove. Now, I keep my ego in check because I know I don’t have to prove anything to anyone but myself.”
His story reminds me that scripture warns us that pride can lead to destructive outcomes, especially to ourselves. Without realizing it, we’ll be in a situation that can cause permanent damage to our lives and those of others.
FX3 Fuel For Pray:
Read and meditate on Proverbs 11:2. What does this verse say to you?
What area or areas in your life contain pride, and how can it negatively impact your life? Be honest, look deep.
Meditate / Make It Real:
How will you start to practice humility in those areas? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.