On December 21, 2020, millions of people worldwide eagerly looked up into the nighttime sky for the much-anticipated arrival of the “great conjunction.” After much anticipation, Saturn and Jupiter, which are hundreds of millions of miles apart, formed a line through space with Earth, which caused the two gas giants to appear very close to one another in the evening sky shortly after sunset.
What makes this event so special is that these planets’ proximity hasn’t happened in about 400 years. Even more impressive is the visibility of this event in the evening sky in almost 800 years. As I, too, peered into the nighttime sky, I couldn’t help but feel a great sense of awe from being part of this historic event. I also thought about how thousands of years earlier, others also eagerly anticipated the arrival of that particular star or Bethlehem.
Some 2,000 years ago, three Magi, or wise men, followed the Star of Bethlehem to Jerusalem after spending their lives researching and studying ancient prophecies and writings. It’s believed these Magi were well-educated astrologers from Babylon familiar with Daniel’s prophecies thousands of years earlier. When they discovered the sign revealed in the sky, they couldn’t help but set off on their journey to see if it was true.
Today, some astronomers speculate that this Star of Bethlehem’s astronomical explanation could be have been a “conjunction” between planets and stars. Astronomer Michael Molnar suggested that a conjunction theory might be correct in his book “The Star of Bethlehem” and said that “If the “star” was the result of a conjunction, then there are a number of different alignments that could be the culprit.”
As we celebrate our Savior’s birth this Christmas, ponder that you were created for this time and in this place to hear this message of salvation through Jesus Christ. God, in His infinite wisdom, revealed himself to you at just the right time. There is no more extraordinary gift than to accept Christ as your Savior.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Micah 5:2-5.
How does the fact you were born for this time and place relate to Jesus’ birth? Pray and ask God to give insight as to how you are part of his glorious plan.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will start to live your life in Christ knowing you are part of something greater.
Share / Show:
Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.