I recently visited my sister who lives up in Georgia. Her home sits elevated, alongside a creek. In the morning I can hear the water running and trees swooshing while the wind runs through the branches. One morning as I sat reading my devotional, I focused in on what appeared to be a treehouse built many years ago.
The treehouse was already there when my sister purchased the house. It seems quite old but still quaint. It reminds me of the treehouse I built for my children years ago but this one is much older. I can still remember the enjoyment and good times they had in the treehouse I built.
As I reflect on those times, I think about what good times were had in her treehouse. I’m also reminded of why I built my kid’s treehouse in the first place…to bring them joy. As a father, I want them to experience the joy of childhood and enjoy giving them gifts. I’m thankful that they’re thankful. This then makes me think about how much more our heavenly father enjoys giving to us.
Read and meditate on Mathew 7:11. What does this verse tell you?
What has God given you to be thankful for?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What can you do for someone today to show them how thankful you are for them?