After my kids went into the skate park, I took a seat on a nearby bench. As I reached into my shorts’ side pocket to pull out my AirPods, I realized the pocket was empty. I had left the zipper open. A bit concerned, I retraced my steps from the bench to the parking lot.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find them. Then I remembered my phone has a “find my device” function and turned it on. It gave me the last location of the headphones when I last used them at home, but that was almost an hour and a half ago.
Disappointed, I prayed they would be at home when we returned. As we left the park, I took one final look, then we all jumped in the truck and headed back. As we arrived home, my eyes immediately focused on a small white box in front of my neighbor’s driveway. I immediately hit the brakes, jumped out, and to my amazement, retrieved my AirPods.
It turns out that before going to the skate park, I had taken our electric trike project out for a spin down the block. Without realizing it, they must have fallen out of my pocket when I took a sharp turn and landed in my neighbor’s driveway. Now I was holding them in my hand without a blemish and almost an hour after losing them.
I know for sure this was God’s grace and kindness for showing me where they were. It may seem insignificant, but this small act is an example of how following the Spirit’s lead has always steered me in the right direction.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Psalm 143:10.
How re you trusting the Spirit in all areas of your life? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God to make you receptive and obedient to the Spirit’s prompting. Be specific.
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