Many years ago, I discovered P90X. Up until then, I followed your typical gym routine of weights and sometimes dreaded cardio. As my life and priorities changed, I needed something quick, intense, and productive, and this program fits the bill.
Created by Tony Horton, P90X was initially a one-hour high-intensity training program (HITT). As time progressed, he rolled out additional iterations of the program, and I followed each one. What inspires me the most about him is his intensity and relentless pursuit to push through, regardless of age.
If you listen carefully, on many of his videos, you’ll hear him say, “Aging is for idiots.” When I was younger, I didn’t think much of it, but now in my 40’s, this mantra resonates more real than ever. In one interview, he said, “A lot of things have changed, but if you want to progress in this world, you’ve got to learn…I mean, it’s just a trial and error thing.”
What I learn from his life is that although having a mindset and a determination to excel at physical fitness is essential, God’s more concerned with our spiritual fitness. To make the most of our time here, we need both physical and spiritual fitness to be our ultimate best for His work.
FX3 Daily D:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on 1 Timothy 4:7-10 for yourself.
What kind of spiritual fitness routine do you have? What does it look like? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Create a spiritual fitness plan today and start it. Be specific and write it down.
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