Earlier this year, we got word that shook our entire men’s small group and eventually the church. A fellow brother had taken his life. We’d recently all been together, and was he was always an outspoken contributor to the group. We were more than amused at his commentary, and although sometimes he could be a little pessimistic, never seemed dire.
As I thought about what I or any of the other men could have done differently, I couldn’t think of anything. He never gave any word or indication of his situation. Like most of us, he was reserved but active at local church events. After service on Sunday’s, we’d catch-up and have casual conversations.
After the tragic event, we discovered he lived on his own and was very removed from his family. His children and ex-wife lived thousands of miles away, and it seemed he had a strained relationship with them. We also found his home was in disarray. His house seemed very representative of his life. From the outside, he seemed fine, but on the inside was in turmoil.
After contemplating all these things, I realized we could only do so much. We were all available, but he never reached out to any of us. I tell this story because, as men, we all tend to turn inward instead of outward for help. We incorrectly believe we’re weak if we can’t fix it ourselves. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Scripture reminds us there is power in brotherhood when combined with seeking help from the Lord. God did not create us to do life on our own but rather encourage, strengthen, and hold each other up.
If today you feel you’re on your own, seek the counsel and comfort of good Christian men who will walk with you during your times of trouble. You may also think about seeking professional help. If you’re not in that position, ask God to bring you that person in need.
Together we can triumph over trouble.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on 1 Samuel 20:1-4.
Who can you turn to in times of trouble or how can you be that trusted friend? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
If you’re in trouble, pray and ask God to bring you someone and if not, pray to be that someone who can help. Be specific.
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