The other day my dad called and asked if I’d be interested in buying a boat from his neighbor. It turns out they were talking, and he mentioned he’s considering selling the boat as he’s in his late 70’s and decided it’s too much for him. “Sure. I’d be interested in looking at it.” I said.
The following day I arrived at my dad’s house, and we walked over to take a look at the boat. “Good morning Mr.Hill,” I said. “My name is Carlos as well.” “Charlie, but you can call me Chip,” he said. After a few minutes, I got a sense of his character and demeanor. He reminded me of another great neighbor, Julian, a retired PanAm mechanic with a strong work ethic and great humility.
It turns out I was right. As we discussed the boat’s history, we eventually made our way to discussing his family and career. Charlie mentioned he is a retired circuit court judge and firm on moral values. I know this because, at one point, he tells me two things that need attention and says he wants to be honest about it. He also tells me he wants me to be comfortable buying the boat.
As we make our way into his workshop, I take notice of all his tools neatly organized. I commend him for his clean workshop, to which he replies, “Oh, no. It’s not that organized. If my dad saw this, he’d flip.” At that moment, I realized the monumental impact a father can have on a son. Here was a 75-year-old man still hearing his father’s voice, long after his father’s passing.
Charlie’s story reminds me of how we must be careful and cautious in choosing how we speak or act with our children. We can both edify or scar our children by the words we choose or what we do. Today take an inventory of what you’re instilling in your children and how they will remember you.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Ephesians 6:1-4.
How do you want your children to remember you? What will they say about you 10, 20, or 30 years from now? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God to help guide you in raising your chidden and instilling in them Godly principles and values. More importantly, show them how. Be specific.
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