Witnessing a funeral always helps me to refocus and rethink my priorities. The reason is that Hebrews 9:27 states “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”. For us believers this judgment is not about condemnation but rather about evaluation. We know that we have been sanctified by the blood of Christ and as such we will have eternal rest with our father.
The judgment we’re going to face is a different one. This is where our father will evaluate what we did with what we had. Let’s ask ourselves a convicting question regarding this issue.
Imagine four people were selected to speak at your funeral: a relative, a fellow church member. a business collage and a friend. What would they say about you and how your life impacted them?
There will come a time that we will have t make an account for what we’ve been given. Out time, resources, talents, etc. All of this has been given to us by our Creator for His glory and purpose. How many of us have selfishly chosen to use all of this for our please and satisfaction only to find that it leads to emptiness. These things cannot truly fulfill us because they were never meant to fill us in the first place.
Let’s hear what Jesus has to say about this. Luke 19:11-27. Jesus is speaking to the crowd about a nobleman going away from some time and entrusting 10 servants with each a pound. Here are 4 critical points to notice in this parable:
- The nobleman turned king upon his return gave each a command. It was not an option.
- There were ten to start and in the end only three were evaluated.
- Each one did what he could according to their capacity. Only one did he say well done. The other was rewarded and the last one punished
- The third one was held to the same standard of accountability and as such was deemed wicked for blatant disobedience.
As you read through this parable you’ll note that he rewards the one that did the most with what he had and demonstrated it was possible. The second was all rewarded but not as much and as such did not realize his full potential but grace was showed to him. The third was not only disobedient but also a thief. He decided to hide it way for himself in anticipation his master would not return to reclaim it. What’s more, he selfishly decided he did not want to work for his master because he must have felt his master didn’t deserve it. He felt he was “owed” this money even for doing nothing to earn it.
Let’s take this parable and apply it to our lives.
God has given you another day to make difference. Today is the day to make the most of that opportunity.
Fx3 Challange:
Read: Luke 19:11-27.
Pray: Ask for the wisdom and insight as to the person God wants you to be.
Meditate / Make It Real: If your funeral were today, what would people say about you? What would you want them to say about you?