Over the years, I’ve owned many different kinds of cars, from Honda’s to Porsche and Cadillacs to Chevy. Regardless of the make or model, I’ve learned that a few fundamental maintenance issues must be addressed for a vehicle to function at its optimal level. One of the maintenance items critical for the car and driver’s safety is alignment. A tale-tale sign that your car is out of alignment is that it starts to “pull” more to one side than the other. Deceivingly, it won’t be immediately apparent but instead begins very subtly and grows stronger over time.
If you let it go on long enough, you’ll find yourself struggling to keep the car driving straight. Also, leaving the vehicle out of alignment causes the tires to wear unevenly. Over time, this can compromise the tire’s ability to grip the road effectively. I know this first hand because a few years ago, this happened to me.
One day while driving, I noticed my truck was starting to pull to the right. Quickly dismissing the issue, I continued to drive around like that, convincing myself it wasn’t too bad and that I would get my truck aligned “next week.” However, “next week” turned into “next month,” which turned into “when I get a chance.” Eventually, the tires wore dangerously unevenly and bald. I realized the severity of the uneven wear and danger when a friend asked me how I could be driving around like that. I was way out of alignment because I was reckless and indifferent to my situation.
Scripture teaches us that we, too, must do scheduled maintenance to avoid getting out of alignment and running into potentially dangerous situations in our lives. Continuing to live your life out of alignment with God’s will pulls you off the straight and narrow path that leads to a fulfilling life. Not only does being out of alignment jeopardize your life but also others traveling through life with you.
Take time today to evaluate if you’re in alignment with God’s will. If you’re not, there’s still an opportunity to set your life straight.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Pray and ask God what area or areas in your life need to be aligned with His will.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will give this area or areas over to Him so that you may travel down a straight and narrow path.
Share / Show:
Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.