A couple of years ago, our family decided to get a dog. We looked at various options but eventually opted to adopt from the local animal shelter. After weeks of searching, I came across a very inviting Boston Terrier mix. When we arrived at the animal shelter, we noticed she seemed timid but kind and gentle. We agreed to adopt her and, after two weeks, welcomed her to our home.
Immediately, we noticed that she was housebroken, playful, but also fiercely protective. We realized this when other dogs came close to us; she would lunge and bark at them. One day as my wife and kids walked her, they came across a neighborhood German Sheperd roaming the street. As the dog approached, she did what she always did, and a terrible dog fight ensued.
Fiona kept ferociously fighting the dog twice her size despite my wife and kids doing their best to pull her away. Afterward, Fiona ended up with puncture wounds, thirty stitches, and in terrible pain. She required around the clock care to clean her drain, feed her antibiotics, administer pain medication, and clean her wounds. It took her almost three weeks to recover.
Today, she’s back to her healthy and playful self, but still with a sense of duty to protect. Despite all she’s been through, whenever this tiny, twenty-five-pound dog comes across another dog, no matter the size, she’s ready to defend us. Whenever she’s with me, she’ll stay calmly by my side, but when the hairs on her back go up and she starts to take her stance, I know she’s ready to go if necessary.
What I admire about her is her innate desire to protect us and do whatever it takes. It’s a reminder we all need to fight for and defend the things we love the most. We may end up with battle scars, but they serve as reminders of the sacrifices we were willing to make. I believe Mark Twain said it best, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Proverbs 24:10-11.
What kind of spiritual assaults have you or your loved ones encountered? Pray and ask God to help you identify them.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will protect and defend the people you love the most on a daily basis. What is your plan of action?
Share / Show:
Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.