I’m a big car guy. To me, this means getting my hands dirty and working on my cars. As such, the other day, I needed some replacement parts and headed over to the auto parts store.
I headed over Sunday afternoon after attending church services. When I approached the counter, the manager smiled and asked me what I needed. I told her, and she pulled the part up. As she was finalizing the order, she commented to her staff and me how she missed church for having to work.
Two younger men started to ask her what was so great about it. The only thing she said was that it was good and she longed to be there instead of at the store. They kept asking her different questions, but she never gave them a clear answer.
At that moment, I realized she forgot the purpose of “church.” I leaned over and reminded her that church is not only a place; it’s a people. A church is the gathering of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord for worship, teaching, fellowship, and prayer. In the end, however, we as a church are commanded to go out and make disciples.
Remember, we may be the only church someone will ever know. Let’s make the most of our interactions with others and share God’s love with them.
FX3 Fuel For Pray:
Read and meditate on 1 Corinthians 12:12-14. What do these verses say to you?
What is your definition of church? Journal it.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine to see yourself as the church and how you will share the good news for others. Start by sharing this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.