Last year I joined a leadership development program. This program was designed to teach the intangible characteristics of what make s a godly leader. The focus is not specific management skills or techniques but rather emotional intelligence. One of these past sessions was focused on generosity.
After hearing stories of well recognized leaders and their viewpoint toward generosity, we were challenged to display generosity. This required us to hand out a prepaid gift card from a local supermarket to anyone other than family or friends. We were then to come back a month later at our next session and share our stories.
As the days and weeks went by I still had not felt the promoting to give my card away. Then the day came for our next session I still had not found someone. As I drove toward the meeting I was earnestly raying for the old to show me who needed this. Finally as I turned the corner of the main street into the venue I saw a man exiting his car.
This man reminded me a lot of my father. He appears to work in construction and had his hard hat in hand and lunch box ready for his long day at work. He looked somewhat weathered but still energized. As I pulled around I greeted hi good morning and then asked him if he had a family. He smiled and said he did. I then handed him the gift card and told him it was for him and his family to enjoy. He thanked me and smiled as I drove off.
Read and meditate Matthew 6:3-4. What do these verses tell you?
What good deeds have you done in secret without recognition? What was the result?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How will you create more opportunities to be generous without recognition?