A few years ago there was church dinner for men. I invited my father to come along with me. The theme for the dinner was “Not what it seems”. The event started off much like any other men’s gathering. Some music, conversation and dinner. The dinner was quite good. It consisted of mashed potatoes, chicken, some vegetables and a dessert. My father and I enjoyed the meal.
After everyone was finished and the tables cleared, the speaker stepped up to deliver his message. It was quite powerful. The message was on how the enemy deceives into believing how one things seems to be another. He’s the master of the “bait and switch”. As he closed the message he confessed, “The dinner you just had is not what it seems. The mashed potatoes were actually made from cauliflower.” My father was totally blown away by this.
You see, minutes earlier he had exclaimed how great the food was, “This was pretty good” he said. However, here’s the dilemma, my dad hates cauliflower. I discovered this much later in life. One day during conversation my mother disclosed she never served him when she gave it us. I never noticed this while growing up.
This is how the enemy works. Nothing is off the table, he’s a deceiver and even use something good to deceive us ( John 8:44 ). We must be vigilant and know our enemy.
We are not on our own in this battle against our enemy.
What area in your life can something that seems good actually be detrimental in your life?
What’s will you do today to fix this?