“Saving Private Ryan” is the story of four brothers who serve and fight in World War II. Unfortunately, three of the four brothers are killed in action almost simultaneously. As was customary, their mother, Mrs. Ryan, was to receive all […]
“Saving Private Ryan” is the story of four brothers who serve and fight in World War II. Unfortunately, three of the four brothers are killed in action almost simultaneously. As was customary, their mother, Mrs. Ryan, was to receive all […]
It came as a thunderous surprise to me yesterday when I heard about the tragic death of a worldwide sports hero and his daughter. It seems he and his daughter were traveling to a game by helicopter when it […]
The other day a friend of mine and our kids went out fishing in the Florida Keys. It took us quite a while to get to our fishing spot. Once we did, we had a good time and caught some […]
Early this morning as I was heading out for a quick run I found my 8 year-old son reading a book on the couch. This is unusual because it was 6:30 am. Let me further elaborate and say the […]
Not long ago I was speaking to a fellow brother who was going through some rough times. As we talked, I could sense there was so much more he could be and how he had the ability to overcome […]
In Istanbul, Turkey more than 1,500 sheep jumped off a cliff as the shepherds watched in horror. They sat down to have breakfast and let the sheep graze as they did so. Initially, just one sheep jumped off the […]
The other day out of curiosity I decided to research seeds. As we all know, all plants start life as a seed. Without seeds, there would be no plants and the Earth would be a barren place unable to […]
Recently on the news there was story about a local initiative to protest against gun violence. The protest involves the running of atvs and dirt bikes through the city streets. The reality however, is the group was really masking […]
In February 2013, while visiting New York, Ruth spent an afternoon walking the streets. She had gone walking trying to sort out the mess her life had become. She was in a nasty divorce, her children had become distant […]
Although we have pretty good weather most of the year, one of the things we don’t have down here in South Florida is a definitive change of seasons. This compared to most of the country further north. Here it’s […]
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