The other day in my mens group we discussed the never ending obstacles we face as men. Specifically and dangerously, reminders of the men we were. This can be a very draining cycle of disappointment which can render us ineffective. How many times have you sat there pondering the issues of your past and been overtaken for minutes, hours, days, weeks or even longer.
Make no mistake, we’re in a real war. We may not see an initial physical assault but eventually it does become one. One of the men wisely compared this war to our cell phones. He works for a major telecom and explained to us that there are many radio and microwaves running across our homes, businesses, cars, bodies, etc. They are everywhere and also passing through our bodies. It’s only when we have a device which can capture and convert those frequencies that we can then receive the message “in the air”. This is exactly how spiritual warfare takes place. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
There are many invisible “frequencies” or “messages” bombarding us all the time. It’s only when we are tuned to the correct frequency that we will pick ups the appropriate message. The important thing is to take note which frequency you’re on and what messages are you attuned to? The enemy ( John 10:10 ) or the Conquerer ( Zechariah 4:6).
Since the enemy cannot have us he will seek to distract and render us useless. Take heart and know that God is always with us and never leaves our side. We just need to reach out and ask.
FX3 Daily D::
What frequency are you tuned to? If you’re not sure, it’s probably not the right one. To get on the right frequency you must:
Read: Reading the word. Meditate on it.
Pray: Do this with intentionality and daily. Start by memorizing a verse a week.
Meditate / Make It Real: Be aware of destructive thoughts. Write down uplifting affirmations that are scripturally based and meditate on these whenever these creep about.