Years ago I did some marketing work for a very well known local boxer turned chef. The restaurant’s grand opening was a spectacular block party with the local who’s who along with famous boxing figures such as Lou Duva and Evander Holyfield. The party featured great food, music and ambiance.
As I walked the party I couldn’t help but notice that Evander was sitting at a designated table alone. He was looking stoic at the head of a very long table. When I asked the owner why he wasn’t partaking or socializing they told me he still hadn’t gotten over his loss the week earlier.
Evander had a pretty successful career before retiring. His career was a mix of great wins, controversial wins and losses. For many men, this seems to be the record of our lives. We have our ups and downs but for many, it seems like more losses than wins. We’re bruised and battered and feeling defeated all the time.
I’m here to tell you that the enemy wants you to feel that way because he has already been defeated! Feeling defeated is his way of transferring his defeat on us in order for us to share his misery. He hates to lose alone. I John 5:4 tells us that we are victorious no matter what happens during our time on earth. According to Revelation 17:14 he is defeated and the victory is secured!
We are already victorious! Don’t let the enemy convince you otherwise!
Meditate on these verses and believe! Deuteronomy 20:4 / Romans 8:37 / I John 5:4. What lies or situation are leave you feeling defeated? Write them down and burn them.