Growing up I was a huge fan of the James Bond movies series. I enjoyed watching James mess with and disarm the plans of the enemy seeking to conquer the world ( Side note: the enemy always wanted to conquer the world). Interestingly enough, one of the James Bond movie’s was titled “The World is not Enough”.
Aside from his witty dialogue and ability to out think the enemy, my favorite part in every movie were the gadgets. As a secret agent for Mi6, he had access to the latest and greatest weaponry and gadgetry. Every time he was assigned a mission, he would visit the vault and “Q” would equip him with what he needed for the mission. Amazingly enough, Q always equipped him with the perfect tools for that mission.
Agent of God
As agents of God we also have access to a “vault”, who is ready to equip us for His mission. It seems our problem is we never visit “G” to get the appropriate weaponry we need for the job. I sometimes settle for a standard service issue weapon or head out on mission with nothing at all! God already has everything we need to make us victorious over our enemy.
We have 24-7 access to the weaponry vault to fight our enemy. Let’s ask God to give it us. He’s just waiting for us to take it!
Meditate on Psalm 144:1 . How will you preparing for your spiritual battle today?