Due to our highly competitive nature we tend to compare ourselves and our things to others. This includes our work, earning, toys, etc. This seems understandable as its a way of trying to understand where’s our place in the world. It also helps us to set a benchmark for what we want to achieve. After all, how can we know what to aim for if we don’t know what the goal is. And here in itself lies the problem.
We seek to find meaning, understanding and a definition of our identity according to what we “see” in the world. This is because it’s easier than diving into scripture, praying and meditating on God’s word to understand who we are and what God wants us to be. Sometimes we view the scriptures as a complicated set of rules and regulations when nothing could be farther from the truth.
Even Peter, the man whom Jesus assigned the great responsibility to shepherd and help establish the church, fell into this comparison trap. Before Jesus left he had a pow wow with Peter and drilled him on if he was ready to do what was necessary to be a leader. John 21:15-19 is all about confirming Peter’s new position and then the price for taking up this position. Immediately after being reinstated Peter looks around, sees John and asks Jesus “Lord, what about him?” (21). Jesus just flat out replies “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? ( emphasized by me) You must follow me.” (22).
In essence, Jesus was saying assign, gift and reward who I want and i alone have my reasons. I don’ need to explain these to you if I don’t want. WOW! In other words, use what I’ve given you to do what I’m asking you to do. I’ll take care of the rest. What a powerful response! God has assigned each one of us gifts, talents, resources, status, etc. according to His will and purpose. If we are true followers of Jesus we must take all of this and use it wisely. Mathew 25:14-30 talks about the master and assigning each servant a specific amount of differing talents. When he returned he evaluated each one according to what he gave each one of them.
God has assigned you specific gifts, talents, resources, status, etc. to make the most for His g;foray and your fulfillment.
FX3 Daily D::
Read: Make a list of gifts, talents, resources God has given you and Him
Pray: Looking at this same list, ask God to reveal to you how to use these for His purpose.
Meditate / Make It Real: Take one off these gifts or talents and identify how you will use one of these today for His purpose. Commit to 1 week first and then a month.