The other day I was watching a National Geographic documentary with my boys. The documentary was all about lions. One of the most captivating segments in the documentary was when they featured how a lion hunts. A lion hunts for animals which are largely available in their particular area of habitation. This means they become particularly skilled at hunting certain animals over time as they know what to look for.
Contrary to what we usually see on TV, most hunting done by lions is under the cover of darkness. This because it allows for them to easily observe and stalk their prey without the threat of detection. In preparation for the night approaching, it’s more common for them to sit and observe their prey during daylight hours. Another reason why they wait until dark is due to the vast plains of land which makes them void of cover which compromises their attack.
When hunting, they use every resource available to them, sight, speed, cover, strength, surprise, etc. Despite all this they do have their limitations. They can only hunt what they see. In addition to this, they pay little heed to the wind’s direction, which frequently allows their scent to be carried ahead, thus alerting their prey to possible danger.
What vision of how Satan attacks use. We know that he’s not omnipotent nor omniscient but yet he still manages to get us in the right place at the right time. Just like the lions of the wild, he gets so many of us due to the sheer number of us that are unprepared. Sometimes we’re not where we’re supposed to be or doing what we’re supposed to be doing. 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us to be vigilant because our enemy roams around looking to devour. We assigned to much power to the enemy when we the word tells us we can do all things through Christ who strengthen’s us – Philippians 4:13
Christ gives us everything we need to be victorious.- 1 Corinthians 15:57
What areas of your life are vulnerable to an attack?
How will you fend off and/or prevent attacks in these areas in the future to be victorious ?